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    100% 영어

Read With Mr Chance: Learn English By Reading Fun Stories [100% English]

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Join Mr Chance as we read many different fun stories!

20% 20,000원



첫 구매 최대 혜택가

수업 유형
원데이 수업
권장 연령
수업 인원
최대 8명
수업 시간
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5| 0개의 누적 후기

Welcome to Mr. Chance's Story Time Adventure! In this fun and exciting class, children aged 5 to 7 will learn English through magical stories filled with colorful characters and exciting adventures. By the end of our time together, your child will have improved their English vocabulary, listening skills, and confidence in speaking, all while having lots of fun!

Class Structure: Each session starts with a brief introduction to the story before we begin our reading of it. Mr. Chance will then tell a story using animated voices and actions to bring the characters to life. After the story, we'll have a fun chat about what happened, ask and answer questions, and even act out parts of the story together! We will read the story again together after that to make sure we don't miss any new words we learned. The class is designed to be playful and interactive, keeping young learners engaged and excited.

Curriculum: Our stories range will be from a continuously growing and curated selection. Each story is chosen to help children understand and use simple English words and sentences in a way that’s easy and fun.

Activities and Feedback: After each story, children will get a small activity to do at home, like drawing their favorite part of the story or practicing saying new words so that they can then come back and show everyone what they made and learned! Mr. Chance will give encouraging feedback to help them keep improving and build their love for learning English.


Mr. Chance's Story Time Adventure is the perfect way for young children to start learning English in a fun, interactive, and supportive environment. Through the power of storytelling, your child will develop essential language skills and grow more confident in speaking English, all while enjoying magical tales and creative play. Join us for a storytelling journey that your child will look forward to every week!

스케줄 준비중이에요. 찜바구니에 추가하고 오픈 알림을 받아보세요.

이런 친구들에게 추천해요


  • For the parents who want their children to have an early exposure to english.
  • For children who want to practice more of their english.

수업 전 확인해요

직접 준비해요

  1. 1pencil, paper

꼭 확인해주세요

  • Common Notes

    Please set your name to either english letters or an english name so that it can be easier and faster for Mr. Chance to talk to your child.


원데이 수업 안내

  • 스케줄 48시간 이내 취소하시는 경우, 시점에 따른 취소 수수료가 발생합니다.
  • 스케줄 48시간 이전에 취소하시는 경우, 취소 수수료 없이 전액 환불됩니다.
  • 스케줄의 변경은 취소 후 재신청으로 진행 가능합니다.
  • 선생님이 스케줄을 취소하시는 경우, 전액 환불되며 사용한 쿠폰은 복구됩니다.
선생님 정보
5| 0개의 누적 후기

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