Jane 쌤 x Bloomsbury

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이력 사항

  • 🎓University of Oxford, St Hugh’s College, B.A. Music
  • 🎓Wells Cathedral School, 영국 (2015-2019) -GCSE, A Level
  • 🎓Dulwich College Suzhou, (2009-2015)
  • English IB English A, B A-level English Language and Literature iGCSE English Language and Literature SAT TOEFL / IELTS exam coaching
  • Mathematics GCSE Mathematics, Key Stage 1-3 Mathematics
  • Music A Level, GCSE Music (Listening, History, Analysis) Techniques of Composition (GCSE, A Level composition, IB Experimenting with Music) Original Composition (해외 음대 작곡과 목표 레슨) ABRSM G1-8 Theory, Aural, Sight-Singing Harmony - Bach Chorale Harmonisation (Oxbridge 입시에 필수적인 부분입니다) Pre-University level Musicology (aimed at Oxbridge Music interviews) Beginner-Intermediate Piano 한국 작곡과 예중예고 입시코칭
  • UK University Admissions Consulting and Personal Statement Editing: Successfully helped students gain admission to prestigious universities in the latest admission cycle
count 꾸그에서 5번 수업을 진행했어요. count 선생님은 꾸그와 2024년 10월 2일 부터 함께 했어요.

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